Author Boyann DJ
Seriously, I don`t know if this blog entry is enough for ‘securing the idea`s name’ or the new comicbook feature`s title… but ‘Power-Kids’, ‘Powerkids’, ‘PowerKidZ’ and many other variations are already used for inflatable beds, nanny services and similar… Heck, even FantastiKids was the title of a 2006 fantasy series about three siblings guarding a horrific secret hiding in a magical box entrusted to them by a dying mother..!
… and the name of a French children`s pop-group.
Can you believe it, by feverishly typing various word combinations I`ve managed to stumble upon NO RESULTS FOUND for ‘The Might3Kids’!!!
Therefore, I reckon it`s not out of place to claim the title/name/trademark/copyright for LINGO Foreign Languages Centre and myself..?
… or is it..?
What needs to be done now..? Let the breathlessly awaiting world know that I`ve stabbed the banner on this hilltop or I need to do some administration and handsomely pay for the protection of the name and the privilege to own it..?
Am I doing the [un]wise thing with blaring about this publicly or should I have kept shtumm and do the deed after the holidays..?
For better or worse, the word`s out and what I used to show in my gallery from time to time here is POWER-KIDS no more…
Drawn the usual way — A4 sized ordinary thinner printer paper, two woodclinched light-blue Col-Erase pencils…
… and yes, no erasing at all during the sketching or after it was done. Sorry folks, just had to say it again…

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bojan M. Đukić. Bojan M. Đukić said: RT @weirdcorner: Power-Kids are No More! via @AddThis [...]
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bojan M. Đukić. Bojan M. Đukić said: RT @weirdcorner: Power-Kids are No More! — Arise, The MIGHT3KIDS!!! [...]