The Dodge Demon: Another all time American great, this sporty, curve hugging sports car is among the ten best American sports cars
The Dodge Challenger: This will always be one of the most classical and all time favorites among American sports cars.
The Ford Thunderbird: This is a beautiful classic style, sleek in design American great. A true American sports car.
Ultimate Aero: One of the fastest American cars in history.
Saleen S7 Twin Turbo: Definitely a best American sports car! The unbelievable design and the ability to go to 60+ in a matter of seconds definitely makes it one of the greats!
The Ford Mustang: This is a car that has been considered one of the ten best American sports cars since its creation in 1964. The racing Ford Mustang emblem is just one symbol of this American great!
The Chevy Corvette: This American great was introduced in 1954 and remains an all time ten best American sports cars.
The Ford Shelby Cobra GT500: This red and white has remained in the top of the ten best American sports cars since the early 1960s.
The Dodge Viper: Racing stripes and a raised roof for the driver and passengers to wear helmets says it all about this ten best American sports car.
The 1953 Bosley G/T MKI: Built by a twenty-one years old in 1953 who wanted to bypass anything currently “hot” on the market, Richard Bosley created one of the all time ten best American sports car.

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