Sexy and Funny Water Balloon Shot in Slow Motion

water balloon shot girl

Gifted model in water balloon shot-slow motion video . . . → Read More: Sexy and Funny Water Balloon Shot in Slow Motion

Natalie Portman’s “Inappropriate” Bottom Covered up With a Digital Bikini

Natalie Portman bnikini before digital action

Natalie Portman’s gym-honed figure would be considered attractive by many. But not by the bosses behind her latest movie Your Highness, who digitally covered up her bottom with a bikini after deciding it was ‘inappropriate’. . . . → Read More: Natalie Portman’s “Inappropriate” Bottom Covered up With a Digital Bikini

Drunk Girl Gets Stuck In Dryer. Fail !

what a fail, bottom and the door

The question is :what is she doing inside dryer? Anyway,her bottom will hardly pass through that door.Fail! . . . → Read More: Drunk Girl Gets Stuck In Dryer. Fail !

Belly Dancer Epic Fail

belly dancer epic fail

Belly Dancer practicing her moves in her bedroom and knocks her cabinets / dresser onto her by hanging from it with her scarf. I just wonder why in the hell she thought that would be a good idea? Epic Fail!!! . . . → Read More: Belly Dancer Epic Fail

The Perfect Girlfriend- Jim Beam Commercial


Hm…Is she perfect or just doesn’t care at all,…or just drunk ? . . . → Read More: The Perfect Girlfriend- Jim Beam Commercial

How To Attract A Woman?

how to attract woman

If you want to be an Alpha male and want to know more about attracting girls to you, then you should understand the underlying concepts of the e-book. If you want to know more about how to get a girl to have sex with you then you should start focusing on your body language. . . . → Read More: How To Attract A Woman?